• About Tuzla

    Tuzla city is situated in north - east part of Bosnia and Herzegovina, it's administrative center of Tuzla Canton, and economic, scientific, cultural, educational, health and tourist centre of northeast Bosnia.

  • University of Tuzla

    University of Tuzla (est. 1976) is public university located in Tuzla. It's the most important and major educational and scientific institution in northeast Bosnia.

STRONG 2020 Workshop


STRONG 2020 (14-16 September - University of York) is included in the activities of the working package WP25 (Light-and heavy-quark hadron spectroscopy) of the project STRONG-2020. It has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 824093.

POSTER: SE  PWA for pion photoproduction with vfixed-t analyticity

The major topics of the workshop will cover:

1) Precision calculations in non-perturbative QCD: Effective Field Theories, analyticity, dispersion relations and Lattice QCD

2) Spectroscopy & Exotic states

3) Hadron Decays & Production

4) Form factors, LECs, fundamental parameters of QCD and light nuclei


Single-energy partial-wave analysis for pion photoproduction with fixed-t analyticity

Received 15 July 2021

Accepted 20 August 2021


©2021 American Physical Society


Experimental data for pion photoproduction including differential cross sections and various polarization observables from four reaction channels, $\gamma p \rightarrow \pi^0 p$, $\gamma p \rightarrow \pi^+ n$, $\gamma n \rightarrow \pi^− p$, and $\gamma n \rightarrow \pi^0  n$, from threshold up to W= 2.2 GeV were used in order to perform a single-energy partial-wave analysis with minimal model dependence by imposing constraints from unitarity and fixed-t analyticity in an iterative procedure. Reaction models were only used as a starting point in the very first iteration. We demonstrate that with this procedure partial-wave amplitudes can be obtained which show only a minimal dependence on the initial model assumptions. The analysis was obtained in full isospin, and the Watson theorem is enforced for energies below W= 1.3 GeV but is even fulfilled up to W≈ 1.6 GeV in many partial waves. Electromagnetic multipoles $E_{ℓ\pm}$ and $M _{ℓ\pm}$ are presented and discussed for S, P, D, and F waves.




KLF Collaboration

K Long Facility


We are theoretical physicists at Faculty of Natural Sciences and Mathematics - University of Tuzla. Our group is a part of the Mainz - Tuzla - Zagreb Partial Wave Analysis collaboration.

As a part of the MTZ PWA, our results are "above the line" in PDG library.

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