KLF Collaboration

At the first stage the KLF (K Long Facility) program will focus on two-body and quasi-two-body reactions: elastic $K_L p → KS_p$ and charge-exchange $K_L p → K^+ n$ reactions, then on two-body reactions producing $S = −1$ ($S = −2$) hyperons as $K_L p → π + \Lambda$, $K_L p → \pi+Σ^0$ , and $K_L p → π^0 \Sigma^+ (K_L p → K+Ξ 0 )$, as well as three body $K_L p → K^+ K^+ \Omega^ −$.

A coupled channel PWA of the KLF data can be performed standalone and in conjunction with an analysis of the data from the J-PARC K−p measurements, if available. The best fit will determine the partial wave amplitudes and the resonance pole positions, residues and Breit-Wigner (BW) parameters. These will provide a benchmark for results of forthcoming Lattice QCD calculations and elucidate the structure of the strange hyperons.

PWA Tuzla Group is a part of the KLF Collaboration.


KLF Collaboration

K Long Facility


We are theoretical physicists at Faculty of Natural Sciences and Mathematics - University of Tuzla. Our group is a part of the Mainz - Tuzla - Zagreb Partial Wave Analysis collaboration.

As a part of the MTZ PWA, our results are "above the line" in PDG library.

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